Wow, doesn't time fly!!!!
I have decided to keep updating our blog, long after the building process is over (actually, does it ever really end?) just to keep a record for ourselves really.
I found recently that I was getting a little frustrated with what I perceived as a lack of growth in the garden etc...but then looking back on old posts it is great to have a comparison and so now it is pretty evident that with a full growth season underway, there are changes everywhere.
The bare branches on our flowering plums down the driveway finally have a scattering of flowers, not the mass of blooms we were hoping for, but pretty anyway.
Apparently as these trees mature we can expect more flowers each year.
Ruthless prunning of the roses has yielded great results with an amazing first flush towards the end of September. I was able to fill the house with many vases of gorgeous roses which always makes me feel happy.
A second big show is just about to emerge.
Don't you just love Spring?
This little gerbera is a triumph of sorts. My Mum's favourite flowers were gerberas and so when we bought our first home in Geraldton she split some plants from her garden and gave me some gerberas of my own. This little guy is from that original stock!
Everytime we have moved house (more than 5 times), I have dug them up, split them and taken a few with me.
I have also distributed some amongst family and friends... it is nice to have the link I think.
Ok, dont let the environmentalists out there see this one.
Arum lillies...oh dear, a noxious weed apparently but so beautiful and another "memory" plant for me.
(The garden really is a little sentimental journey)
This is another plant that we have had at every home although unfortunately when we moved from our Shelley home into the rental to build, they didnt survive. New stock was "sourced" (thank you Craig) from the river behind the Maddington Homestead...thus another link was restored.
Although beautiful in vases, I won't temp fate or Nanna's wrath by allowing them inside!
The fern garden outside our bedroom is flourishing, however we chose a decidous creeper to run over the pergola. This isnt doing much at the moment so it could be a race against the heat.
We are hoping that the creeper will take off and so offer some protection to the plants below.
This may need a rethink.
The continuing saga of the citrus trees.
Disappointed at their lack of growth, we tore out the vine that was growing below them, (well actually we were fearful that the vine was going to overtake the whole suburb as it was so voracious).
Anyway after massive does of sheep manure and a few threats, the citrus have got the idea and are finally doing what we hoped they would...growing.
We are even excited to see flowers and fruit forming!
Between the citrus we have planted port wine magnolia, the same plants in the hedge below. These have a beautiful fragrance like the chewing gum or as the kids used to call them "juicy fruit trees". Although the hedge is doing really well I am not sure how the pw magnolia between the citrus will go as they will get a lot of radiant heat from the fence, so our first summer will be a test of sorts.
Our frangipanis grew alot last year and are just about to start their little journey again. We have several around the backyard and it is a little race to see which will reach the top on the fence first!